8 Best Streaming Media Players Reviews

A streaming media player device is a simple, relatively inexpensive way to give any TV internet capability. If you own a smart TV, you probably don’t need a streaming player to get Netflix or other web-based services. But some people find that these add-on devices are more convenient to use, work with more streaming services, or have added features, such as voice search, that they like.

How to Immediately Delete All Twitter Tweets

Have you been tweeting and retweeting a lot these past few days? – Then suddenly thought – Heck! I need to do some housekeeping to delete tweets while looking back and reminiscing the tweets of years gone by scrolling right down to your first tweet.

Professional Resume Writing Service For LinkedIn

Social networking has become an integral part of all our lives. Whether or not you are active on Facebook or Twitter, you have certainly heard about these networks and you are aware of the extent of their influence. However, career professionals tend to underestimate the usefulness of a networked presence.

20 Most Useful Google Chrome Extensions 2017

Google Chrome is the most used web browser in the world. To take full advantage of Chrome, there are plenty of useful extensions that can make your browsing experience more enjoyable. As some of you know, Chrome extensions can also be used in other chromium-based browsers like Opera and Vivaldi.

Best VPNs of 2017 for Home and Small Business

The countless challenges faced by any small business owner can be overwhelming especially in company management. Online privacy would be the top priority as we all know that the digital world out there and beyond has its dangerous snares – hackers who steal your data, internet services that can torment you maliciously, bots that keep an eye on everything you do and your private data.

Speed up Google Chrome

Many Chrome users have been experiencing problems with pages that include high-resolution images or animated GIFs, both of which can be slow to load in …