6 SEO Cheats That Can Boost Your Website Ranking

SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization, which is a fancy way to say “making your Web pages rank better in search results on search engines such as Google.” The better your SEO, the better your ranking. Although the SEO website ranking strategy will differ on a post-by-post basis, these 6 SEO cheats are focused on things you can do within every blog post.

Cat Flu: How To Ease The Misery Of Your Cat’s Cold

Cats too can suffer from a viral infection that causes a raised temperature, snuffly nose and other cat flu symptoms but we can help to ease the situation for our beloved cat. It seems there have been more people than ever this winter affected by a nasty heavy cold or flu bug.

Best Personalized Gifts Ideas

If you are in any way in search of some great gifts for that special guy, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, grandfather or grandmother with the additional touch of personalization, here are some gift ideas I’ve found. What I’ve picked out could be perfect for him and would eventually be a sentimental keepsake.

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